Pulverised Fuel Ash Replacement

Pulverised Fuel Ash Replacement

E5 Liquid Fly Ash is a silicate-free, proprietary blend of nano-silica that serves as a pozzolan addition, It sustains strength requirements, improves workability, and decreases permeability and efflorescence. The result is a more consistent high-quality, user friendly concrete regardless of geography, season, or application.



  1. Ready Mix Concrete



  1. It is an environmentally friendly
  2. Zero VOC formula
  3. Bio-degradable
  4. Non-hazardous product that lowers CO contribution.


Key Features

  1. Superior Concrete Finishability
  2. Promotes Secondary C-S-H development
  3. Upto 15% Cementitious Reduction
  4. Eliminates the need for Dedicated Fly Ash Silo.


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